Art Club

Art Club Sponsor: Mrs. Musa, CHMS Visual Arts Teacher
Time: 7:50 - 8:40 on Wednesdays, twice a month.
*You must have transportation to school at 7:50 in order to join art club.
Where: Mrs. Musa's art room
*Art Club is first come, first served. We have 25 spots available and I will accept the first 25 students to return the art club application. If you are accepted into art club, you will receive an art club pass with the meeting dates. You MUST have your pass to get in the school early for our meeting.
*If you are interested in joining art club, you may come to Mrs. Musa's room to get an application beginning Friday, August 9th. All applications are due Friday, August 16th.
The following is a list of criteria which must be met in order for a student to remain an art club member:
Must not have disciplinary problems in school. Must be a person of character and have a serious interest in art and in-service to school and community.
If a student does not meet these expectations, they will receive a warning or probation letter. If behavior does not improve, they may be removed from the CHMS Art Club.